Series 16 – Collector models of ČSD wagons with cargo


Advertising cars of traditional Czechoslovak factories.

The advertising car of the Schicht factory from Ústí nad Labem also includes a model of the Tatra 49. The company car of the Orion Chocolate Factory from Modřany in Prague is complemented by an advertising print and a load of transported sweets, while the Walter company car carries an aircraft engine.

Unique collection of three ČSD covered wagons with sliding gates, with period advertising graphics and attractive freight.

Models in the series

Schicht Works truck

Cat. no. : 2490

Price: 119

Size: H0

Pieces: 12

Description of the model: The Schicht Works truck with the distinctive logo of the first cooking fat, along with the unique Tatra 49. These factories, headquartered in Ústí n/Labem, were before World War II. World War II, the largest drug and food company in Europe.

Orion Chocolate Factory Truck

Cat. no. : 2491

Price: 119

Size: H0

Pieces: 12

Description of the model: A truck of Orion Chocolate Factory, whose history dates back to 1886, with a loaded pallet of sweets. On the side gates a period advertising graphic for the still successful products - a chocolate bar with coffee filling and chocolate-covered bananas.

Walter truck

Cat. no. : 2492

Price: 119

Size: H0

Pieces: 12

Description of the model: A truck of the Walter company, founded in Prague in 1911. The successful production of motorcycles was later extended to the production of cars and aircraft engines. The model of this car is equipped with an aircraft engine on a transport pallet.

You can buy the models

Gepard Model spol.s r.o.
Nám. SNP 87/8, 960 01 Zvolen, Slovensko
tel.: 00421 455320943